We know there are plenty of other businesses out there banging out the same products as us but that’s exactly where we are different. For us it’s personal, we are not a wham, bam thank you Mam set up. We are uncompromising in our approach to every aspect of our business as we know you are to yours. We really truly properly (with a cherry on top) believe in providing the best possible service and products for you.
We get it…
We know how tricky running a business can be, we know the blood, sweat and tears that you put into yours, we know that deadlines can suddenly creep up, we know that budgets and requirements change. Because of all this, we will always go out of our way to help. If you have a tight deadline, let us know. We have a minimum order of just 100 business cards or 25 notebooks.
We are family…
(resist the temptation to sing!). Being a family run business we can offer a truly personal and bespoke (and friendly) service. We really care that our customers get products that exceed their expectations so, by gum, we’ll work like billy-o to make it happen. Like the saying goes, ‘when you order from an independent business, a real person does a dance’
We are designers…
With backgrounds in all sorts of creative fields, there’s nothing we like more than stuff that looks good. We can help you create stand out, sale-inducing stationery. You don’t have to choose from template A, B or C: with us the world is your oyster and we will always try to offer flexibility within the ordering process.
We’ve been doing this
for a long time…
Years of experience in design, print and product creation ensure that we can give you the best help and guidance to ensure that you end up with orders that do your business justice.
Top notch materials…
We don’t scrimp on the quality or range of our stocks, foils, books or other components so your products will endure and look great. We work with incredible, market leading manufacturers such as G.F. Smith and Gmund to get the best and latest of what’s out there. We offer an almost unrivalled selection of foils so if you’re colour matching the chances are that we can find the solution. We are always happy to send samples, swatches and testers out when possible.
Our product are
the real deal…
Our luxury business cards are hand crafted and our notebooks and diaries are hand finished by our skilled team who know what they’re doing. Our beautifully restored 1950’s vintage letterpresses create the real deal when it comes to branding your products.
What happens if I have a problem with my order?
We bend over backwards to ensure that orders leave you feeling tickled pink and ready to do business but if a problem crops up, be assured that we will work with you to rectify it asap.
5* customer rated…
We’re very proud to get excellent reviews and ratings. However, there is no resting on our laurels at Woodblock, we know we are only as good as our last review. Efficiency, reliability and trustworthiness is our mantra.