01306 803123

Aroma Diffuser

Introducing our elegant aroma diffuser, crafted with beech wood and glass. Its three reed sticks delicately release the captivating scent of Lily and Jasmine, creating a serene atmosphere. The beech wood top absorbs and disperses the fragrance, ensuring a long-lasting aroma. With a 30 ml capacity and a delicate glass vessel, this diffuser adds charm to any space. Transform your surroundings into a tranquil sanctuary and indulge in the enchanting blend of Lily and Jasmine
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    Dimensions220mm x 50mm x 50mm
    MaterialsGlass & Wood
    FeaturesFragrance Lily & Jasmine
    CustomisationLaser Engraving • Pad Printing

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From £10.49 each, based on 250 units.
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SKU: MO9702 Category: Tags: ,