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The Power of Love and Kindness

The Power of Love and Kindness

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and love is in the air,  I’m a bit of bar humbug when it comes to Valentines, feeling it’s all just too commercial (but still reserving the right to be slightly put out if I don’t get a card!).  More inspiring to me is Random Acts...
What to expect from 2019

What to expect from 2019

We are now a few weeks into 2019 and did you know that this year is the Chinese year of the Pig?  The pig is thought to be a symbol of wealth in Chinese culture (fingers crossed for that lottery win!)  I bet you didn’t know that 2019 is The International year of The...
New year, New stationery.

New year, New stationery.

January, a pretty cold, dark, dismal time of year for us in the U.K. But rather than being seduced by the temptation to go into hibernation and bury our heads under the duvet, let’s grab the bed by the posts and throw ourselves into 2019 with vim and vigour!So,...
Writing for Mental Health

Writing for Mental Health

At the outset I am going to make it clear that I am in no way qualified to advise on mental health.  These thoughts are formed from my own experiences of my personal challenges and the things that have helped me.  Anyone struggling with their mental health needs to...